This masterful historic biopic about the father of the atomic bomb tells the events that preceded and those that followed General Leslie Groves' (Matt Damon) 1942 appointment of J. Robert Oppenheimer (Cillian Murphy) as Manhattan Project leader. Oppenheimer was to gather the world's top nuclear physicists to build an atomic weapon that will win the arms race.
Based on the book American Prometheus: The Tragedy and Triumph of J. Robert Oppenheimer by Kai Bird and Martin J. Sherwin (2005), writer director Nolan tells the story from Oppenheimer's perspective, focusing on what he knew, his emotions, and eventual bitter remorse and response to the long term effect of his actions.Oppenheimer may be Nolan's best film to date. Despite being dense with information and the most verbal of his films (Inception, 2010; Tenet, 2020), Oppenheimer is a well balanced character study, with an outstanding script, as well as exceptional all star cast, most notably Robert Downey Jr. as U.S. Atomic Commission member Lewis Strauss and the tour de force performance of Cillian Murphy, and Emily Blunt as Kitty, Oppenheimer's wife.
A must see.
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