Set into a modern action template of Hitchock's Wrong Man, the Bourne franchise and Taken, this fast-paced pulsating thriller is directed by Jaume Collet-Serra, based on the novel by Didier van Cauwelaert, and a screenplay by Oliver Butcher and Stephen Cornwell.
Liam Neeson stars as the botanist Dr. Martin Harris who arrives with his wife Liz (January Jones) to Berlin to lecture at a biotechnology conference. Finding his briefcase missing, he takes a taxi back to the airport. Following a car accident and a four day coma, Harris wakes up only to find out that his identity was stolen and that his wife, in the arms of another man, doesn't recognize him. While hunted by assassins, Harris enlists the help of a Bosnian cab driver, Gina (Diane Kruger), as well as private detective and former Stasi, the East German secret police, Ernst Jürgen (Bruno Ganz), to help him piece things together.
Engaging performances by Neeson and Ganz are complemented by first rate world cinema favorites Aidan Quinn, Frank Langella, and Sebastian Koch, with Jones fitting the Hitchcockian icy blonde wife, and Kruger delivering a more energetic performance compared to her role in Inglourious Basterds and Tron.
Notwithstanding some gaps, the intriguing screenplay is packed with clever twists, well choreographed car chases, and explosions keeping the viewer all the more entertained and at the edge of the seat.